I have completed this form to the best of my ability. I will consult with my aesthetician regarding any medicine I
am currently taking and any skin tendencies that may be problematic. I give permission to my aesthetician to perform the waxing procedure, sugaring, or skin care procedure and will
release and hold her, her staff, and Hello Sugar LLC harmless from any and all
liability that may result from this treatment, including but not limited to disability or personal injury arising from the treatment or table accommodation.
I have given an accurate account of the questions asked above
including but not limited to special accommodations as well as all known allergies or prescription drugs or products I am currently ingesting or using topically, and am engaging in the treatment at my own risk. I understand medication
or cosmeceuticals such as prednisone, aspirin, retin A or blood pressure medication, any and all medications used to treat acne, antibiotics that are taken either orally or topically, hormonal changes that naturally occur during your menstrual cycle, any and
all products applied topically to the skin that are intended to exfoliate, compromised skin such as skin that has been exposed to the sun, dehydrated or dry, and caffeine and alcohol consumption are all items that can affect the service. I understand my
aesthetician will take every precaution to minimize or eliminate negative reactions as much as possible, and as such I hereby release the aesthetician and Hello Sugar LLC from any and all liability or responsibility for any such injury or damage.
Hello Sugar LLC and its owners, affiliates, subsidiaries, employees, agents, and authorized persons do not make any promises, guarantees, etc. regarding the results one may achieve following completion of the treatment.